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Faculty of Agriculture

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The Faculty of Agriculture established in 2022, stands as a beacon of sustainable practices, student empowerment, and pioneering research in the realm of agriculture.
Guided by the recommendations of the Vth Deans Committee of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), we have meticulously crafted a curriculum comprising each aspect of Agriculture. We are offering undergraduate and doctoral programmes.

Our offered programme is an important step towards an improvement in agricultural practices for diversified cropping areas of the country including precision farming and organic farming. Cutting edge technologies are imparted for improvement in economic farm production with paramount importance of environmental protection and sustainable practices. Skills enhancing courses have been introduced in the curriculum like nursery management, mushroom cultivation, commercial horticulture, commercial bee- keeping, food processing, organic farming and bio- dynamic farming etc. Faculty of Agriculture prepares students to manage agri-businesses, conduct agricultural research, lead field surveys, and oversee a variety of farming operations. Beyond professional practices, the Faculty of Agriculture organizes guest lectures, invite experts in their respective areas for providing update exposure to students.

Dean's Message

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Welcome to the Faculty of Agriculture at Mahayogi Gorakhnath University, Gorakhpur! We are dedicated to pioneering advancements in agricultural sciences through cutting-edge research, comprehensive education, and community engagement.

Our programmes equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to address global challenges such as food security and sustainable farming. We are proud of our innovative faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a vibrant academic community committed to cultivating a sustainable future. As you explore our website, I encourage you to learn more about our programmes, research projects, and community initiatives. Join us in our mission to transform agriculture for the betterment of society.

Admission 2024-2025 Apply Now

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The current body of knowledge is derived from three extant texts attributed to Charaka, Sushruta, and Vaghbata. Within the Charaka Samhita, the knowledge is ascribed to its founder, Atreya, who mentored a cadre of accomplished pupils, including Bhela, Jatukarna, Agnivesha, Parashara, Harita, and Ksharpani. These pupils subsequently made notable advancements in the realm of Ayurveda through the creation of their own comprehensive treatises. Of these, Agnivesha stands out as the most eminent, having authored the Agnivesha tantra, now recognized as the Charaka Samhita. Furthermore, Bhela and Harita produced their individual works, namely the Bhela Samhita and Harita Samhita, further enriching the Ayurvedic knowledge tradition.

In the Sushruta Samhita, Dhanvantari is acknowledged as the founding authority, and he passed down his wisdom to a group of disciples, which included Sushruta, Aurabhra, Aupadhenava, and Paushpakalavat.
Charaka’s School of Physicians and Sushruta’s School of Surgeons became the basis of Ayurveda and helped organize and systematically classify into branches of medicine and surgery. During the 5th century, Vaghbata compiled two compilations of texts known as Ashtanga Sangraha and Ashtanga Hridaya. These texts elaborate on the Kaya-chikitsa found in Charaka Samhita and the various surgical techniques described in Sushruta Samhita. The focus appears to lean more towards the physiological aspects of disease processes rather than the spiritual aspects. While Ashtanga Sangraha is presented in prose, Ashtanga Hridaya is composed in verse form for the purpose of recitation.
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Courses We Offer....

We care for our students, protect their welfare, and prepare them for the future

Under Graduation
  • B.Sc. (Hons.) Agriculture
  • Ph.D. Agriculture